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Emergent Delivery of Infant
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 0.50 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

The management of the female who presents to the emergency department (ED) in active labor is stressful and overwhelming. Ideally, the ED has a plan in place, based on hospital resources, for the imminent delivery of a newborn. Decisions regarding delivery in the ED or transferring the patient to labor and delivery are based on a variety of factors. Knowledge of the possible complications of delivery will provide anticipatory guidance to improve maternal and fetal outcomes.

Learning Objectives

Know the clinical presentation and physical exam findings associated with pregnancy.

Recognize the common complications associated with pregnancy. Plan the steps to prepare the process of delivery of a newborn.

Recognize common complications of delivery of a newborn.

CEN: Communicable Diseases
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 0.50 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

he purpose of this course is to inform the emergency nurse of communicable diseases, including a comprehensive assessment and appropriate interventions.

Learning Objectives

Identify alterations in the biological, physiological, and psychological status of patients experiencing communicable disease emergencies.

Describe a comprehensive plan for the care of communicable disease conditions including diagnostic and treatment interventions, and patient education.

Neonatal Respiratory Emergencies
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 0.50 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

Neonatal emergencies are frightening and challenging to almost all acute care providers. Recognizing the presentation of common neonatal respiratory emergencies is essential to acute care providers. This issue will focus on the neonate and provide a succinct review of respiratory emergencies pertinent to clinical practice and board preparation/review.

The goal of this course is to present healthcare providers in the acute care setting with a succinct review of neonatal respiratory emergencies.

Learning Objectives

Know the anatomy and pathophysiology relevant to emergency management of neonatal respiratory emergencies.

Know the indications and contraindications for acute management options for neonatal respiratory emergencies.

Plan the key steps and know the potential pitfalls in the acute management of neonatal respiratory emergencies.

Recognize the complications associated with the acute management of neonatal respiratory emergencies.

Perioperative Series: Intro to Perioperative Nursing
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 0.75 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

As defined by the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) (2019), the perioperative nurse’s goal is to help patients achieve or exceed the level of well-being they had at the pre-procedural baseline. The nurse is required to have the clinical knowledge, judgment, and clinical reasoning skills necessary to safely plan, deliver, and evaluate care for surgical patients.

The goal of this course is to equip perioperative nurses with knowledge of the nursing process and the roles and responsibilities within the perioperative team.

Learning Objectives

Identify the perioperative nursing process throughout the phases of surgery. 

Define the roles and responsibilities of the members within the surgical team and the AORN standards of perioperative practice.

Stroke: Recognition and Management
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 1.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

This course equips healthcare professionals with essential knowledge and skills to promptly and effectively manage stroke in the acute care setting. Participants will gain insight into how to recognize an acute stroke and the initial steps to take for emergency treatment of stroke. In addition, learners will know the different acute treatment options for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke as well as patient care for acute stroke. 

Learning Objectives

Recall the benchmark diagnosis and treatment times for acute stroke. 

Differentiate the treatment of ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. 

Indicate interventions in the care of a patient presenting with an acute stroke.

Emergency Department: HIPAA and CFR42
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 1.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

In an emergency department, information often flows amongst providers and patients quickly because of urgent, sometimes life-threatening, situations. Due to the volume of information being shared, as well as the need for it to be shared quickly and accurately, emergency department providers must be especially careful to safeguard patient information.

The goal of this course is to update nursing professionals in the acute care setting with basic information about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and 42 CFR Part 2.

Learning Objectives

Identify information sharing standards under HIPAA and 42 CFR Part 2.

Define the concept of consent, when you must obtain it to share or receive information, and the types of information that may not be available to you.

A Look at Malignant Hyperthermia
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 1.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a life-threatening syndrome associated with an anesthetic trigger. Awareness of MH by all perioperative team members, from those working in the preoperative holding area to those in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), is important in preventing negative patient outcomes.

Learning Objectives

Define risk factors for MH and preventive measures for improving patient outcomes. 

Identify the signs and symptoms of MH along with diagnostic and genetic considerations. 

Describe the best practices for managing and treating MH.

Perioperative Specimen Handling
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 1.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

Proper surgical specimen handling is essential for patient safety. This course covers best practices for intraoperative personnel to prepare, label, and transfer specimens accurately. Adhering to these protocols ensures that specimens are identified and handled appropriately, minimizing the risk of harm to the patient.

This course provides OR nurses and surgical technologists with knowledge of best practices for specimen handling.

Learning Objectives

Describe the considerations and methods of preparing specimens for various pathologic and examination types. 

Recall care standards for the appropriate handling, labeling, and transportation of specimens. 

Identify common mistakes made during specimen management and prevention methods to avoid these errors.

CEN: Cardiovascular Emergencies
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 1.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

The Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®) is required to demonstrate competency in the domain of emergency nursing which includes knowledge of cardiovascular conditions and emergencies, such as acute coronary syndrome, aortic aneurysm/dissection, and cardiopulmonary arrest.

Learning Objectives

Identify signs and symptoms of cardiovascular emergencies and conditions.

Describe a comprehensive plan for the care of cardiovascular emergencies, including diagnostic and treatment interventions, and patient education.

CEN: Environmental and Toxicological Emergencies
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 1.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

The Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®) is required to demonstrate competency in the domain of emergency nursing which includes knowledge of cardiovascular conditions and emergencies, such as acute coronary syndrome, aortic aneurysm/dissection, and cardiopulmonary arrest.

The goal of this course is to inform the emergency nurse of cardiovascular conditions and emergencies, including a comprehensive assessment and appropriate intervention.

Learning Objectives

Identify signs and symptoms of cardiovascular emergencies and conditions.

Describe a comprehensive plan for the care of cardiovascular emergencies, including diagnostic and treatment interventions, and patient education.