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Clinical Management of Category III Fetal Heart Rate Tracings
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 0.25 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) workgroup standard for fetal heart rate monitoring assessment and categorization, first proposed in 1997 and subsequently updated in 2008 was meant to promote commonality of FHR tracing nomenclature and interpretation. Based on these recommendations, a three-tiered categorization pattern based on the visual assessment of the fetal heart rate pattern was adopted. This module aims to review and apply essential FHR content in several clinical scenarios to highlight an important Clinical Pearl: The Category III tracing is a rare intrapartum FHR pattern that is highly associated with fetal acidemia and adverse neonatal outcomes.

Learning Objectives

Consistently apply 1997 and 2008 NICHD definitions and terminology when describing intrapartum fetal heart rate patterns.

Identify intrapartum fetal heart rate tracings using the 2008 NICHD 3-tiered system.

Recognize the fetal heart rate characteristics that define a Category III pattern.

Review the diagnostic imprecision and clinical significance of minimal fetal heart rate variability.

Clinical Management of Uterine Atony
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 0.50 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

A case of obstetrical hemorrhage due to uterine atony, requiring medical and surgical interventions and blood component replacement therapy is presented. Emphasis: A review of obstetrical hemorrhage, etiologies, and treatments is provided. The importance of early recognition and response to excessive blood loss is stressed. Medical and surgical interventions for uterine atony are reviewed. Current recommendations for blood component replacement therapy for massive hemorrhage are discussed.

Learning Objectives

List common risk factors for OH.

Review medical treatments for uterine atony.

Identify pre-surgical and surgical treatments for uterine atony.

Describe blood component therapy for massive hemorrhage.

Fetal Heart Tracing Pattern Evolution
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 0.50 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

Intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring is an integral part of modern day obstetrics and when properly interpreted, may provide valuable insight into the fetal metabolic state. During labor, the physiologic stress posed by regular uterine contractions and maternal expulsive efforts may adversely impact the fetal acid-base status, leading to changes in the fetal heart rate pattern.

This module aims to review and apply essential FHR content in several clinical scenarios to highlight an important Clinical Pearl: Management of the laboring patient requires that the FHR pattern trends are interpreted in context with the clinical scenario and progress of labor.

Learning Objectives

Consistently apply 1997 and 2008 NICHD definitions when describing intrapartum fetal heart rate patterns.

Identify the importance of FHR variability evolution when assessing the FHR pattern.

Review the importance of FHR tracing trend assessment when managing the abnormal intrapartum FHR tracing.

Recognize the importance of clinical scenario, FHR pattern evolution, and stage of labor when managing the Category II tracing in labor.

Obstetric Hemorrhage: Mitigating Risk to Improve Outcomes
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 0.50 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

Two cases are presented. Risk factors, including recurring and nonrecurring, for obstetrical hemorrhage, are reviewed. Delivery preparations and preventative strategies are discussed. Methodologies that better quantify blood loss, allowing for earlier recognition of excessive blood loss, are presented. Management of the patient experiencing obstetric hemorrhage, including a review of current guidelines for blood component replacement therapy, are reviewed.

Learning Objectives

List recurring and nonrecurring risk factors for obstetrical hemorrhage. List the four Ts of OH.

Identify low, medium and high risk patients for OH.

Review blood component therapy for large volume blood loss.

Emergent Delivery of Infant
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 0.50 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

The management of the female who presents to the emergency department (ED) in active labor is stressful and overwhelming. Ideally, the ED has a plan in place, based on hospital resources, for the imminent delivery of a newborn. Decisions regarding delivery in the ED or transferring the patient to labor and delivery are based on a variety of factors. Knowledge of the possible complications of delivery will provide anticipatory guidance to improve maternal and fetal outcomes.

Learning Objectives

Know the clinical presentation and physical exam findings associated with pregnancy.

Recognize the common complications associated with pregnancy. Plan the steps to prepare the process of delivery of a newborn.

Recognize common complications of delivery of a newborn.

An Overview of Trial of Labor After Cesarean Section
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 0.50 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

This course provides an overview about the safety of patients undergoing a trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) to attempt a vaginal birth after cesarean delivery (VBAC). Research evidence has influenced where VBACs are performed, which women are eligible and how the practice is conducted, including the safe use of induction/augmentation medications. The safety of VBAC for mother and newborn always remains the primary underlying principle that guides care.

Learning Objectives

Identify three risk factors and benefits associated with TOLAC and recommendations for safe TOLAC.

Recall essential components of nursing education, informed consent, safe medication administration, and fetal assessment related to TOLAC.

Shoulder Dystocia: Teamwork and Training
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 0.50 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

This content is intended for all members of the obstetric team and is based on the educational theory that team performance is enhanced when all members of the team have the same understanding of the task and procedure to be performed.

Learning Objectives

Enhance situational awareness for patients at increased risks for shoulder dystocia (SD). Design a team-based SD simulation drill. Improve obstetrical team performance through enhanced cooperation in deliveries complicated by SD. Review methods to enhance communications with teams.

Clinical Management of Category II Fetal Heart Tracing
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 0.75 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

Three different obstetrical scenarios, complicated by a Category II Fetal Heart Rate pattern, are presented to illustrate the importance of clinical context when formulating management plans. Emphasis, characteristics, and potential etiologies of Category II fetal heart rate tracings are reviewed. Management of the patient with a Category II fetal heart rate pattern is discussed, with special emphasis on the importance of the clinical context and fetal heart rate pattern evolution.

Learning Objectives

Describe characteristics of Category II FHR tracings.

Identify common etiologies for Category II FHR tracings during labor.

Examine clinical interventions for Category II FHR tracings.

Review the etiology-based management of Category II FHR tracings.

An Overview of Substance Use Disorders
Duration: 1.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

Substance use is a growing problem across populations. As a helping professional, you need a basic understanding of how substance use affects your clients. This information will help you to provide support and resources to help clients seek treatment and recovery. In this course, you will explore substance use disorders, how they develop, and their impact on individuals. The course also explains your role as a paraprofessional when working with individuals with substance use disorders. You will be provided an overview of evidence-based interventions and the types of substance use treatment programs available, when additional treatment may be necessary. Detailed examples will help you to apply this information in your own work. The goal of this course is to provide paraprofessionals and peer support specialists in health and human service settings with information on substance use disorders and evidence-based interventions.

Learning Objectives

Explain what a substance use disorder is, how it develops, and how it impacts individuals.

Identify strategies that paraprofessionals can use when working with individuals diagnosed with substance use disorders to encourage behavior change.

Describe the types of treatment that exist for people diagnosed with substance use disorders.

Applying HIPAA Regulations in Behavioral Health
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 1.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

HIPAA rules underlie every service related to behavioral health, and they change to meet evolving trends. There are potentially catastrophic organizational and individual consequences if the current HIPAA rules are not followed. This course will help you to identify potential legal and ethical issues related to HIPAA, improve your compliance approach, and develop more effective risk management strategies.

The goal of this course is to assist alcohol and drug counselors, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, psychologists, social workers, and nurses in health and human services settings in understanding and applying current HIPAA regulations.

Learning Objectives

Indicate the purpose of HIPAA and how it applies to behavioral healthcare providers. 

Recall at least three ways that the Privacy Rule impacts the day-to-day responsibilities of behavioral health providers. 

Identify at least three steps that behavioral health providers need to take to ensure compliance with the Security Rule.