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Assessment and Intervention for Confabulation
Healthcare workers will often interact with patients who make up stories or memories that are inaccurate, sometimes wildly so. These patients are not lying, they are confabulating. A nurse who knows how to manage confabulation can help these patients. With proper interventions, most patients can stop confabulating or learn to manage the condition. This course will give you a solid foundation of knowledge about and skills to handle confabulation by explaining what it is, who does it, what causes it, and how to manage it.
The goal of this course is to inform nurses in the acute care setting about confabulation and how to assess and manage patients with confabulation.
Recall the types of confabulation and the pathophysiology of confabulation.
Identify two methods of assessing confabulation.
Apply several approaches for managing confabulation.
Septic Joint: Diagnosis and Treatment
Septic arthritis is caused by infection and inflammation in the joint and can result in significant damage to the joints. Early recognition and treatment are critical to the preservation of joint function. This course will discuss how to quickly identify and treat septic arthritis.
The goal of this course is to provide physicians, nursing professionals, and radiologic technologists with information about septic arthritis.
Recall how septic arthritis is acquired and its typical presentation.
Identify the laboratory and radiological tests used to make a diagnosis of a septic joint.
Recognize the principles of septic joint treatment.