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CEN: Maxillofacial and Ocular Emergencies
The Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®) is required to demonstrate competency in the domain of emergency nursing which includes knowledge of maxillofacial and ocular emergencies, their signs and symptoms, management, and applicable nursing interventions.
The goal of this course is to review the knowledge domains specific to maxillofacial and ocular emergencies included as a part of the Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®) exam.
This course is not affiliated with the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN).
Identify signs and symptoms and the management of life-threatening maxillofacial illnesses and injuries.
Analyze strategies to manage ocular conditions and emergencies.
CEN: Medical Emergencies
The purpose of this program is to inform the emergency nurse of medical emergencies, including a comprehensive assessment and appropriate intervention.
Identify signs and symptoms of medical conditions and injuries.
Describe a comprehensive plan for the care of medical conditions including diagnostic and treatment interventions, and patient education.
CEN: Orthopedic and Wound Emergencies
The purpose of this program is to inform the emergency nurse of common orthopedic emergencies, including a comprehensive assessment and appropriate interventions.
Identify signs and symptoms of orthopedic and wound emergencies.
Describe a comprehensive plan for the care of orthopedic and wound emergencies including diagnostic and treatment interventions, and patient education.
CEN: Professional Issues in Emergency Nursing
The purpose of this program is to describe the impact of professional practice issues as they relate to the emergency nurse, their patients, and the health care system.
Recognize vulnerable patient populations and sensitive care situations facing emergency nurses.
Identify professional practice issues across the health care system that support high-quality patient care and satisfaction.
Septic Joint: Diagnosis and Treatment
Septic arthritis is caused by infection and inflammation in the joint and can result in significant damage to the joints. Early recognition and treatment are critical to the preservation of joint function. This course will discuss how to quickly identify and treat septic arthritis.
The goal of this course is to provide physicians, nursing professionals, and radiologic technologists with information about septic arthritis.
Recall how septic arthritis is acquired and its typical presentation.
Identify the laboratory and radiological tests used to make a diagnosis of a septic joint.
Recognize the principles of septic joint treatment.
CEN: Psychosocial Emergencies
The Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®) is required to demonstrate competency in the domain of emergency nursing which includes knowledge of psychosocial emergencies, their signs and symptoms, their management, and the nursing interventions that are needed.
The goal of this course is to review the knowledge domains specific to psychosocial emergencies included as a part of the Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®) exam.
Recognize signs and symptoms of specific psychosocial emergencies.
Identify strategies to manage psychosocial emergencies.
Managing Pain Amid the Opioid Crisis
Pain management in the emergency department relies heavily on the use of opioid analgesics, which generates risk for patients to develop long term opioid use or an opioid use disorder. Multimodal analgesia can improve the patient experience and reduce the risks of opioid use if emergency providers approach pain with a more critical mindset.This activity is designed to help emergency providers improve management of pain while decreasing patient exposure to opioids. It is also designed to help providers navigate how to manage patients with opioid use disorder.
Identify different types of pain (acute pain, chronic pain, chronic cancer pain, and social pain) and the neurobiological origins of this pain.
Describe the risks associated with opioid analgesia.
Demonstrate knowledge of multimodal analgesia regimens to manage pain in the emergency department.
Describe the characteristics of opioid use disorder and the effectiveness of medication assisted therapy.
EMTALA Requirements
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) was enacted to prevent patient dumping by hospitals seeking to avoid unrecoverable costs of care for patients without insurance or the ability to pay for medical services. Language within the statute has led to inconsistencies in how it has been interpreted. Patient dumping and inappropriate medical screening examinations (MSEs) are the most common reasons for EMTALA violations (Ladd & Gupta, 2021). This course will describe how key terms are currently interpreted and how they apply to hospitals with a dedicated emergency department (ED). In addition, learners will have an opportunity to review cases where EMTALA violations were alleged and judgments applied by the courts.
Define key terms and requirements associated with EMTALA.
Describe how EMTALA applies to certain situations.
Managing Pediatric Trauma: Assessment
This course is intended to provide nurses with knowledge of pediatric stages of development, mechanisms of injury, and assessment best practices including the pediatric assessment triangle as they relate to trauma.
Describe pediatric trauma care and stages of development as they relate to trauma.
Identify common mechanisms of injury in the pediatric population.
Recall assessment techniques and emergency interventions for pediatric patients who experience trauma.
Managing Pediatric Trauma: Interventions
This course is intended to provide nurses with knowledge on interventions for pediatric trauma, including injuries to the head, chest, abdominal cavity, and extremities. Interventions for asphyxiation, drowning, burns, and electrical shock will also be presented. This course is the second part of the Managing Pediatric Trauma series. The first course in this series is Managing Pediatric Trauma: Assessment.
Recall prehospital care and field triage of pediatric trauma patients.
Describe interventions for pediatric patients who have experienced asphyxiation, drowning, burns, and electrical injuries.
Describe interventions for pediatric patients who have experienced trauma to the head, thorax, abdomen, and extremities.