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SIADH Management
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is a condition that occurs when the body produces too much antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which causes fluid retention and electrolyte imbalance. SIADH can have various causes and manifestations and can lead to serious complications if not recognized and treated promptly. This course will provide you with the knowledge to thoroughly assess and manage patients with SIADH in the hospital setting.
Explain the pathophysiology, causes, and diagnosis of SIADH.
Identify the signs and symptoms of SIADH and potential complications.
Review common treatments and nursing interventions for patients with SIADH.
Innovation in Acute Care: Excellence Series
The goal of the course is to discuss how innovations can be recognized, developed, adopted, and disseminated amongst staff, as well as review areas where innovations are likely to change the provision of care. We will also explore the patient’s role in innovation, and how patient and family-centered care will drive ongoing changes.
Review the process of innovation development and dissemination.
Summarize innovations that are modifying the current healthcare environment.
Discuss the nurse, patient, and family roles in the future of care delivery.
Adult Obesity in the U.S.
Obesity rates in the U.S. have risen to the level of an epidemic, as 1 in 3 adults are affected by this disease. Obesity is a disease that significantly affects a person’s health and is not simply due to poor diet and lack of exercise. This course introduces healthcare professionals to the causes, management, and treatment options for adult obesity.
The goal of this course is to familiarize healthcare professionals with the growing epidemic of obesity among adults in the U.S.
Identify the current problem and contributing factors of obesity in the U.S.
Describe the management and treatment options for obesity.
Acute Heart Failure
Heart failure (HF) treatment is costly and requires a multidisciplinary approach. Evidence-based treatment guidelines improve patient outcomes, and it is essential to become familiar with these guidelines to reduce patient mortality. Healthcare team members play a significant role in treating acute HF (AHF), helping to reduce the morbidity and mortality of the disease and decrease the use and costs associated with care. This course aims to educate nurses and nutrition and dietetics professionals in the acute care setting about evidence-based heart failure treatment guidelines.
Describe heart failure, including its classification systems, presentation, treatment, and evidence-based therapies.
Describe strategies for patient self-management.
Common Brain Disorders and CT Scans
Computed tomography (CT) scans of the head are essential for diagnosing brain disorders in the acute care setting. This course will cover the different types of CT scans indicated for a person with a brain disorder and the signs of abnormalities in those CT scans. A review of brain anatomy will help improve awareness of common brain disorders that can be diagnosed with a CT scan. This course also reviews how to prepare patients for CT scans and basic techniques for performing CT scans. By the end of this course, learners will be able to apply knowledge of CT scans and brain disorders to provide appropriate patient care.
Recall the basic anatomy of the brain and the changes that occur after brain disorders.
Identify the different types of CT scans indicated for a person with a brain disorder and the preparation and care for patients undergoing CT scans.
Apply knowledge of common brain disorders and CT scans' role in managing brain disorders.
Recognizing and Treating Stroke
By understanding the causes of stroke and how to treat and prevent it, you can make a significant difference in the lives of those you care for. This course will help you identify the symptoms of a stroke and provide you with the necessary knowledge to provide care during and after the stroke.
Recall the pathophysiology of a stroke.
Recognize at least three interventions for someone experiencing a stroke.
Identify strategies for achieving quality of life after a stroke.
Bowel Ischemia, Perforation, and Obstruction
Bowel ischemia, infarctions, perforations, and obstructions are serious conditions that require prompt recognition and interventions to prevent severe complications and death. There are several underlying conditions that predispose patients to these conditions, for which education and risk modifications are crucial.
The goal of this course is to equip nursing professionals in acute care with knowledge of risk factors, signs and symptoms, and management strategies for bowel ischemia, infarction, perforation, and obstruction.
Identify anatomical and physiological aspects of the intestines associated with bowel ischemia, infarctions, perforations, and obstructions.
Describe risk factors, causes, signs/symptoms, management, treatment, and complications of bowel ischemia, infarctions, perforations, and obstructions.
Multiple Sclerosis: Treatment and Care Considerations
It is estimated that there are more than 2.8 million people worldwide living with multiple sclerosis (MS). In the United States, there are almost 1 million people living with the disease (National Multiple Sclerosis Society [NMSS], 2020). MS is a chronic, progressive autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) caused by damage to the protective myelin sheath covering neurons. MS lesions, or plaques, disrupt electrical impulses from neurons in the CNS to muscles that can affect mobility, elimination, energy, vision, and other functions (DynaMed, 2022).
Recall the overarching disease pathophysiology and main symptoms with discernable interventions of MS.
Identify the disease classifications and the diagnostic algorithm, including the McDonald Criteria for MS.
Review therapeutic approaches for treating the underlying disease of MS.
Preceptor Essentials
The role of a preceptor is vital to an organization’s ability to efficiently and effectively onboard an individual to a new department or work unit. This course is designed to include principles and practices for precepting new employees across healthcare settings. It introduces the learner to the fundamentals of the preceptor role and provides best practices for being an effective preceptor. Preceptors exhibit professionalism and best practices in their work units. Being a preceptor requires skill, talent, and preparation to yield the best outcomes.
Recognize the importance of interpersonal and communication skills for the preceptor role.
Identify the leadership principles and styles of leadership for the preceptor role.
Define self-care and resilience for the preceptor role.
Perioperative Series: Communication in the OR
In the operating room, patient safety depends on high quality communication and shared knowledge among the surgical team. Several factors in this setting can contribute to communication failures like time constraints, shift changes, environmental barriers, the complex nature of surgical procedures, and clashing communication styles. All members of the surgical team must understand the risks to patient safety associated with communication failures, what information must be communicated and when, and how to use an assertive communication style.
The goal of this course is to equip nurses and CSTs with best practices for effectively communicating in the operating room.
Describe best practices for facilitating communication in the OR.
Identify four communication styles and which style is most effective for ensuring patient safety.
List common barriers to effective communication in the OR.