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Identifying and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence
Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects thousands of people each year. It affects people from all social and economic backgrounds, ages, sex, genders, sexual orientations, race, and ethnicities. Those who experience IPV often suffer adverse social and health outcomes that make early recognition, identification, and response a priority for professionals working in healthcare and health and human services.
Identify five types of IPV and five dynamics of survivor and perpetrator relationships.
Recall at least four types of risk factors and protective factors of IPV.
Identify best practices and key considerations for the assessment and treatment of IPV.
Overview of Evidence-Based, Suicide-Specific Interventions
It was once assumed that addressing underlying conditions was the best way to treat suicidality. We now know that suicidal people need interventions that directly target suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Suicide-specific interventions will give you the tools to help clients manage suicide risk.
In this course, you will learn about specific evidence-based and research-informed interventions that directly target suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Through case examples, you will gain a better understanding of ways to implement these strategies.
The goal of this course is to provide addictions, behavioral health counseling, marriage and family therapy, nursing, psychology, and social work professionals with knowledge about evidence-based, suicide-specific interventions.
Describe three evidence-based interventions for treating individuals at risk for suicide or who have made a recent attempt.
Summarize the process for completing a safety plan and for reducing access to lethal means.
Recall the factors you should consider when determining what interventions may be needed for suicidal individuals.
MRI Safety
Healthcare professionals working in magnetic resonance (MR) environments must be aware of warnings and contraindications for MRI examinations and know the requirements for careful initial patient screening, accurate determination, and characterization of permanently implanted or temporary devices. Medical devices and ferromagnetic objects may malfunction in a magnetic field or pose a projectile risk, which could cause harm or injury to patients and staff. Controlling access to the environment and properly screening patients can help prevent accidents and injury. Only properly trained personnel are authorized to perform final patient screening and access equipment. Proper safety and security require plans for facility design and emergency preparedness.
The goal of this course is to present information related to industry standards for safe operation and optimal patient care in an MRI environment.
Identify the basic principles of MRI technology.
List the potential hazards and risks associated with MRI.
Recognize guidelines and recommendations associated with MRI safety.
Preventing Suicide Among Veteran Populations
Veterans are 1.5 times more likely to die by suicide than non-veterans (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs [VA], 2022). This course will explain the specific factors that increase suicide risk in veterans. You will also learn about assessment and intervention approaches used to manage suicide risk in this population.
The goal of this course is to provide knowledge to addictions, behavioral health counseling, case management/care management, marriage and family therapy, nursing, psychology, social work professionals, and physicians in health and human services settings about suicide prevention strategies for veterans.
Identify three factors that specifically increase suicide risk in veterans.
Recall screening and assessment strategies to identify veterans at risk for suicide.
Define three effective ways to intervene to reduce suicide risk among veterans.
Pediatric Pain Management: Treatment
Pain is often underestimated and undertreated in the pediatric population due to many factors. As a result, children’s health outcomes are directly impacted without proper recognition and pain management, and quality of life is reduced. Physicians and nursing professionals must learn to assess and treat pediatric pain appropriately while caring for hospitalized children. This course describes the past and future status of pain management in children, pharmacological and non-pharmacological management options, and the complexities of managing pain in special populations.
Discuss the past and future status of pain management in children. Describe non-pharmacologic, pharmacologic, and adjuvant treatment options for pain in children. Explain some of the complexities involved in treating the child with chronic pain, cognitive impairments, or a need for palliative care.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+): An Introduction
Sexuality and gender identity have received significant attention in the last few decades across the spectrum of health and human services. This module presents a brief overview of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community and its history within society and healthcare systems. It offers definitions of key concepts related to sexuality and gender identity, as well as general implications for clinical education, practice, and research. This topic is constantly evolving, requiring healthcare professionals to continually need education on this topic. The goal of this course is to provide nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy, social work, speech-language, and pathology/audiology professionals with education around the historical context of the LGBTQ+ population and best practices when interacting with and providing care for the LGBTQ+ population.
Sexuality and gender identity have received significant attention in the last few decades across the spectrum of health and human services. This module presents a brief overview of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community and its history within society and healthcare systems. It offers definitions of key concepts related to sexuality and gender identity, as well as general implications for clinical education, practice, and research. This topic is constantly evolving, requiring healthcare professionals to continually need education on this topic. The goal of this course is to provide nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy, social work, speech-language, and pathology/audiology professionals with education around the historical context of the LGBTQ+ population and best practices when interacting with and providing care for the LGBTQ+ population.
Indicate historical events and context affecting the LGBTQ+ community. Define key terminology related to sexual orientation and gender. Identify general interprofessional practice guidelines in the care of LGBTQ+ healthcare recipients.
Management of Respiratory Emergencies in Children
Nurses, respiratory therapists, and emergency medical professionals who care for children must have the requisite skills and training on the unique characteristics of a pediatric patient’s respiratory system. Children have significant respiratory system differences compared to adults. These include, but are not limited to: Anatomy, physiology, signs and symptoms of respiratory distress, and respiratory emergencies. In children, the leading cause of cardiopulmonary arrest occurs from etiologies within the respiratory system. Clinicians must understand these differences and be prepared to work collaboratively to quickly respond and provide safe and competent care to any child who is in respiratory distress.
Describe the anatomy and physiology of the pediatric respiratory system and differences vs. adults.
Recall techniques for conducting a focused assessment of the respiratory system in pediatric patients and interventions for facilitating assessments and treatments.
Identify clinical manifestations of respiratory distress in pediatric patients.
Recognize conditions associated with respiratory emergencies in pediatric patients including treatments and interventions.
Management of Obstetric Hemorrhage
Worldwide, postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) accounts for high rates of maternal morbidity and mortality. It is important to understand the definitions and causes of PPH, as well as the many risk factors associated with PPH and how to assess a woman’s risk. Early recognition is key to have good outcomes. Recognizing PPH, the stages of PPH, and how to measure blood loss is essential, since treatment is based upon the stages of hemorrhage. Additionally, it is important to understand nursing interventions, treatments for PPH (including medication, surgical procedures, and blood products), and teamwork and communication needs to improve perinatal outcomes.
Identify causes and risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage.
Classify the stages of obstetric hemorrhage.
Recall nursing and medical interventions used during the management of postpartum hemorrhage.
Perioperative Series: Anesthesia and Medication Management
Anesthesia administration has become increasingly safer, but is not without risk. Patient- and family-centered care and the desire to save costs has led to a shift in perioperative care needs from “stabilize and admit” to “stabilize and discharge.” Each patient undergoing anesthesia requires competent, professional nursing staff to assist in timely and safe medication administration, maintenance, and recovery. Knowledge of anesthetic techniques, agents, and adjuvants is vital to this competence.
Define the different types and stages of anesthesia.
Describe anesthetic agents and adjuvants commonly used for the perioperative patient.
Identify perioperative preparation, complications, and nursing interventions.
Anesthesia: Perioperative
The perioperative nurse plays a primary role in the anesthesia experience. Knowledge of techniques, patient assessment, and care management for the patient receiving or recovering from anesthesia positively impacts patient outcomes. This course discusses anesthetics and adjuvant medications used in the perioperative setting, anesthesia-related complications, and the nurse’s role in assisting with anesthesia management.
This course provides nursing professionals with information about the principles and practices of anesthesia care in the perioperative setting.
Identify the stages and types of anesthesia, and associated medications commonly used in the perioperative setting.
Recognize important assessment areas and nursing interventions for the perioperative patient receiving or recovering from anesthesia.
Describe complications of anesthesia and their treatments.