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Emergency Management of Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is the single most common ED complaint (up to 10% of visits) and is in the top four for emergency medicine litigation. Emergency providers must be proficient in diagnosing abdominal pain to provide excellent care to patients and reduce their risk of being named in litigation. This course will address abdominal pain diagnosis and treatment in the ED for the elderly, adults, children, and young women (of childbearing potential).
State the evaluation of abdominal pain in the elderly.
Recognize the approach to abdominal pain in the post-bariatric surgery patient.
Discuss the presentation of testicular torsion.
Describe the scoring systems for appendicitis in adults and children.
Assess the non-abdominal causes of abdominal pain.
Domestic Violence Awareness for Healthcare Personnel
Nurses encounter victims of domestic violence or intimate partner violence regardless of where they work. Those who practice in offices, hospitals, clinics, homes, or facilities must be aware that living with domestic violence may be part of a person’s daily life. Even though education for healthcare professionals and routine screening in EDs is mandated, many abused people do not receive needed support. Nurses are able to recognize and help victims, yet do not necessarily receive education about domestic violence. This updated CE module provides information nurses need to increase their understanding of and provide support to people experiencing domestic and intimate partner violence.
Disclaimer: Images in this course depict violence that has been inflicted on children and adults. They may be disturbing to some learners.
List steps ensuring the safety of abused women who decide to leave an abusive environment Identify the role of intimate partner advocacy in helping victims or survivors to understand that physical, sexual, or emotional abuse is not their fault but an issue of power and control. Relate direct and indirect questions that broach the subject of violence and abuse with patients, partners, and family members to screen for abuse. Identify risk factors, signs, and symptoms associated with abuse and neglect across the lifespan.
A Review of medical Error Prevention
Do no harm: A fundamental principle of medical care, yet thousands of patients suffer harm from medical errors every day. Some reports estimate annual deaths from medical errors in the U.S. to be as high as 250,000, but a more recent study revealed that number may be highly inflated (Rodwin et al., 2020). The actual number of preventable deaths estimated by a meta-analysis was 22,165, with most occurring in people expected to have less than 3 months to live. For those who were expected to live longer than 3 months, 7,150 deaths occurred. The difference may be due to over-estimation or from initiatives to reduce errors since initial values were released. Regardless, healthcare professionals are obliged to do no harm, so continued efforts are needed to reduce medical errors.
This course is intended to educate nurses, physicians, and physician assistants on the causes and strategies for preventing medical errors.
Identify definitions related to patient safety, medical errors, and adverse events.
Discuss risk factors, prevention strategies, and populations most vulnerable to medical errors.
Describe the root cause analysis process for medical errors.
List factors that contribute to the five most misdiagnosed medical conditions.
Medication Administration
This course will cover an overview of topics surrounding medication administration including pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, safety standards, and legal and ethical guidelines for practice. The learner will use case scenarios to gain a deeper understanding of the foundational practice.
Apply and differentiate between basic pharmacology principles.
Infer and separate various ethical principles and patient safety considerations.
Accurately perform computational pharmacology.
Discern the implications of proper storage, handling, and disposal of medications, and delegation of medication practices.
Medical Management of Operative/Assisted Vaginal Delivery
This course discusses best practices in operative vaginal delivery techniques—forceps-assisted delivery and vacuum-assisted delivery (OAVD), as well as episiotomy.
The course is case-based, so you will have an opportunity to apply the principles covered to particular patient scenarios. The cases are branched, with different outcomes based on different choices.
Use of OAVD techniques vary from organization to organization. You may, for example, work in a hospital in which forceps techniques are no longer taught to residents. Each section has been organized so that you can move through it quickly or delve into it more deeply, depending on its relevance to your clinical practice.
Discuss the steps, indications, contraindications, and potential complications associated with vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery, forceps-assisted vaginal delivery, and episiotomies.
Describe the circumstances in which an episiotomy is and is not an appropriate intervention.
Explain the importance of the flexion point when placing a vacuum cup and how it is located. Identify the criteria for correct placement of the forceps during a non-rotational delivery, as well as guidelines regarding the number of pulls.
Veterans and Mental Health
Veterans are at risk for behavioral health conditions due to a combination of experiences and risk factors. In this course, you will learn best practices to address mental health issues common among veterans. You will also learn about screening tools, risk factors, and clinical interventions.
Identify at least two considerations when working with veterans.
Recognize symptoms for at least two of the common mental health conditions in veterans.
Recall at least one screening tool used to assess common mental health conditions in veterans.
Define at least two psychotherapeutic interventions used for each of the common mental health conditions in veterans.
Indicate ways to screen and assess veterans for suicide risk.
Forensic Evidence Collection
Forensic evidence connects the scene, the survivor, and the suspect together to assist the justice system in solving crimes. Crucial parts of evidence collection include knowing the correct procedures to preserve evidence and prevent contamination. Patients presenting to the emergency department with injuries requiring forensic evidence collection are often afraid and distressed. Healthcare professionals should know how to care for their emotional needs as well as their physical ones.
Identify the fundamentals of survivor-centered care. Recall important elements of documentation in forensic medical care. Define the essential components of forensic evidence collection.
Perioperative Series: Emergencies in the OR
Perioperative providers can BEST prepare for emergencies in the operating room by knowing the responsibilities of each team member and rehearsing interventions ahead of time. When you are in the moment and your heart is racing, it’s easy to forget how to respond or even where supplies are located. Practicing your responsibilities and team interventions ahead of time will help to prepare you for the unexpected. This course provides you with an opportunity to participate in five emergency scenarios to test your knowledge. Time is of the essence when an emergency happens so you must think and act fast to save the patient!
The goal of this course is to equip nurses and STs with knowledge of the responsibilities of the team during a range of OR emergencies.
Recognize evidence-based strategies for treating and preventing a range of OR emergencies.
Describe the roles and responsibilities of members of the surgical team when emergencies occur.
Recall the best practices for improving patient outcomes during an emergency.
(Washington) Abuse Prevention, Investigation, and Reporting
This course discusses how to recognize, prevent, and report abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults in the state of Washington.
The goal of this course is to educate direct care workers in post-acute care settings on how to identify, prevent, and report suspected or witnessed abuse, neglect, or exploitation in the state of Washington.
Identify the different types of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Recall the legal responsibilities of a mandated reporter to report suspected or witnessed abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Recognize the physical and emotional signs or indicators of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Describe ways to support victims of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Identify at least two ways to prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Opioids and Chronic Pain Management
The increased emphasis on pain management to improve functionality and quality of life has contributed to significantly more opioid prescriptions. Their availability led to widespread misuse across the nation. This course will address regulation and misuse of opioids and evidence-based management of chronic pain.
Discuss chronic pain and opioid use in the U.S.
Review the regulatory influences and evidence-based guidelines associated with prescribing controlled substances for pain management.
Describe evaluation and monitoring of the patient with pain.
Identify pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic pain management strategies.