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Opioid Prescribing, Chronic Pain, and Opioid Use Disorder
The emphasis on pain management to improve quality of life and function has contributed to a significant increase in opioid prescriptions. As such, there has been a concurrent increase in risk of misuse and abuse. While opioids are highly effective for pain relief, closer attention to the risk versus benefit analysis has led to guidelines that prefer nonpharmacologic and nonopioid pharmacologic therapy over opioids, especially for chronic pain. Clinicians must carefully monitor the patient and be alert for signs that risks outweigh benefits of opioids. This course will address issues related to opioid prescribing, chronic pain, and opioid use disorder.
Discuss considerations and guidelines for prescribing controlled substances.
Describe patient evaluation and education for a safe and effective pain treatment plan.
Implicit Bias for the Healthcare Professional
Recent movement toward diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is encouraging for historically overlooked individuals. It brings a variety of frequently ignored perspectives and experiences, but it has also uncovered the depth of implicit biases.
Biases are among the most significant factors for healthcare. This course presents the impact of implicit biases and other forms of discrimination on the provision of healthcare, as well as best practices to reduce implicit bias.
The goal of this course is to provide healthcare employees with training about implicit bias in healthcare.
Define implicit bias.
Describe the impact of historical discrimination on the provision of healthcare.
Identify methods of evaluating the presence and extent of implicit bias.
Describe measures that can be taken to reduce implicit bias.
CEN: Gynecological and Obstetrical Emergencies
The Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®) is required to demonstrate competency in the domain of emergency nursing which includes knowledge of gynecological and obstetrical conditions and diseases, their signs and symptoms, management, and applicable nursing interventions.
Identify signs and symptoms of gynecological and obstetrical emergencies and injuries.
Describe a comprehensive plan for the care of gynecological and obstetrical conditions including diagnostic and treatment interventions, and patient education.
CEN: Maxillofacial and Ocular Emergencies
The Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®) is required to demonstrate competency in the domain of emergency nursing which includes knowledge of maxillofacial and ocular emergencies, their signs and symptoms, management, and applicable nursing interventions.
The goal of this course is to review the knowledge domains specific to maxillofacial and ocular emergencies included as a part of the Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN®) exam.
This course is not affiliated with the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN).
Identify signs and symptoms and the management of life-threatening maxillofacial illnesses and injuries.
Analyze strategies to manage ocular conditions and emergencies.
CEN: Medical Emergencies
The purpose of this program is to inform the emergency nurse of medical emergencies, including a comprehensive assessment and appropriate intervention.
Identify signs and symptoms of medical conditions and injuries.
Describe a comprehensive plan for the care of medical conditions including diagnostic and treatment interventions, and patient education.
CEN: Orthopedic and Wound Emergencies
The purpose of this program is to inform the emergency nurse of common orthopedic emergencies, including a comprehensive assessment and appropriate interventions.
Identify signs and symptoms of orthopedic and wound emergencies.
Describe a comprehensive plan for the care of orthopedic and wound emergencies including diagnostic and treatment interventions, and patient education.
CEN: Professional Issues in Emergency Nursing
The purpose of this program is to describe the impact of professional practice issues as they relate to the emergency nurse, their patients, and the health care system.
Recognize vulnerable patient populations and sensitive care situations facing emergency nurses.
Identify professional practice issues across the health care system that support high-quality patient care and satisfaction.
Wellness Strategies that Support Addiction Recovery
Substance use is linked to millions of deaths worldwide each year (Ritchie & Roser, 2019). Supporting individuals’ long-term recovery from substance use can help save lives. Recovery is a lifelong process that aims to keep an individual substance-free while improving their overall quality of life. Wellness strategies enhance recovery outcomes by focusing on optimal health across all dimensions of an individual’s life.
Discuss how wellness approaches can positively impact recovery from substance use disorders.
Recognize the eight dimensions of wellness.
Identify wellness strategies to facilitate long-term recovery from substance use disorders.
Antibiotic Stewardship Programs: Core Elements
Antibiotic stewardship is a movement to improve antibiotic use through evidence-based practice. Team members become the stewards of antibiotics. This helps these medications continue to effectively fight infections. Antibiotic stewardship follows core elements to improve the use of antibiotics and their outcomes. This course discusses the core elements and benefits of an antibiotic stewardship program.
Describe the elements of an antibiotic stewardship program.
Identify at least three benefits of antibiotic stewardship.
Septic Joint: Diagnosis and Treatment
Septic arthritis is caused by infection and inflammation in the joint and can result in significant damage to the joints. Early recognition and treatment are critical to the preservation of joint function. This course will discuss how to quickly identify and treat septic arthritis.
The goal of this course is to provide physicians, nursing professionals, and radiologic technologists with information about septic arthritis.
Recall how septic arthritis is acquired and its typical presentation.
Identify the laboratory and radiological tests used to make a diagnosis of a septic joint.
Recognize the principles of septic joint treatment.