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Anesthesia: Perioperative
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 2.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

The perioperative nurse plays a primary role in the anesthesia experience. Knowledge of techniques, patient assessment, and care management for the patient receiving or recovering from anesthesia positively impacts patient outcomes. This course discusses anesthetics and adjuvant medications used in the perioperative setting, anesthesia-related complications, and the nurse’s role in assisting with anesthesia management.

This course provides nursing professionals with information about the principles and practices of anesthesia care in the perioperative setting.

Learning Objectives

Identify the stages and types of anesthesia, and associated medications commonly used in the perioperative setting. 

Recognize important assessment areas and nursing interventions for the perioperative patient receiving or recovering from anesthesia. 

Describe complications of anesthesia and their treatments.

Medical Management of Operative/Assisted Vaginal Delivery
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Duration: 2.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

This course discusses best practices in operative vaginal delivery techniques—forceps-assisted delivery and vacuum-assisted delivery (OAVD), as well as episiotomy.

The course is case-based, so you will have an opportunity to apply the principles covered to particular patient scenarios. The cases are branched, with different outcomes based on different choices.

Use of OAVD techniques vary from organization to organization. You may, for example, work in a hospital in which forceps techniques are no longer taught to residents. Each section has been organized so that you can move through it quickly or delve into it more deeply, depending on its relevance to your clinical practice.

Learning Objectives

Discuss the steps, indications, contraindications, and potential complications associated with vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery, forceps-assisted vaginal delivery, and episiotomies. 

Describe the circumstances in which an episiotomy is and is not an appropriate intervention. 

Explain the importance of the flexion point when placing a vacuum cup and how it is located. Identify the criteria for correct placement of the forceps during a non-rotational delivery, as well as guidelines regarding the number of pulls.

Perioperative Series: Emergencies in the OR
ANCC Accreditation Duration: 2.00 Origination: Mar 2025 Expiration: Mar 2025
Launch Course

Perioperative providers can BEST prepare for emergencies in the operating room by knowing the responsibilities of each team member and rehearsing interventions ahead of time. When you are in the moment and your heart is racing, it’s easy to forget how to respond or even where supplies are located. Practicing your responsibilities and team interventions ahead of time will help to prepare you for the unexpected. This course provides you with an opportunity to participate in five emergency scenarios to test your knowledge. Time is of the essence when an emergency happens so you must think and act fast to save the patient!

The goal of this course is to equip nurses and STs with knowledge of the responsibilities of the team during a range of OR emergencies. 

Learning Objectives

Recognize evidence-based strategies for treating and preventing a range of OR emergencies. 

Describe the roles and responsibilities of members of the surgical team when emergencies occur. 

Recall the best practices for improving patient outcomes during an emergency.