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Sexual Assault and Rape for Healthcare Professionals
Survivors of rape and sexual assault will experience a variety of physical and emotional comorbidities as a direct result of their experience. This means survivors will enter the healthcare system through a variety of specialty clinics in addition to their primary care provider. It is important healthcare providers of all disciplines, be familiar with the signs that a patient may have been raped or sexually assaulted in their past. This course will provide the legal aspects of rape and sexual assault, the emotional and physical trauma associated with the experience, and how to identify and care for survivors.
Recall important aspects of sexual assault and its impact on the survivor.
Indicate the role of the healthcare provider in identifying and caring for survivors of sexual assault.
IV Therapy Complications
Nurses deliver infusion therapy to millions of patients in hospitals, home healthcare settings, long-term care facilities, outpatient clinics, and physicians’ offices annually. Nursing professionals perform many daily activities involving peripheral catheter insertion and safe delivery of intravenous (IV) fluids and medications. The use of vascular access devices and IV therapy are commonplace in the acute care setting. With that said, clinicians must take caution due to the potentially serious and fatal complications that can occur from inappropriate IV fluid or drug delivery. Patient safety requires that nurses institute safeguards to avoid complications associated with IV treatment.
Discuss the maintenance and complications of peripheral IV (PIV) therapy.
Identify drugs that can cause tissue damage if extravasation occurs.
Recall the components for documenting a peripheral IV insertion.
Management of Needlestick Injuries
Needlestick injuries continue to pose a threat to all healthcare professionals (HCPs). While HIV was once the most concerning organism, today, hepatitis B and C take precedence (King & Strony, 2022). Regardless of circumstances, more than 90% of sharps injuries are preventable (International Safety Center [ISC], n.d.). Therefore, all healthcare clinicians must be diligent to avoid injury even in busy and stressful working conditions. This module will review the current literature on managing the most common bloodborne pathogens (BBP) transmitted by needlestick injuries and evaluating post-exposure prophylaxis.
Discuss procedures to follow after a needlestick or sharps injury.
Identify factors that can lead to a needlestick or sharps injury.
Identify factors that can prevent a needlestick or sharps injury.
Wellness Strategies that Support Addiction Recovery
Substance use is linked to millions of deaths worldwide each year (Ritchie & Roser, 2019). Supporting individuals’ long-term recovery from substance use can help save lives. Recovery is a lifelong process that aims to keep an individual substance-free while improving their overall quality of life. Wellness strategies enhance recovery outcomes by focusing on optimal health across all dimensions of an individual’s life.
Discuss how wellness approaches can positively impact recovery from substance use disorders.
Recognize the eight dimensions of wellness.
Identify wellness strategies to facilitate long-term recovery from substance use disorders.
Reducing Medical Errors in the OR
The OR is a complex environment. Highly trained individuals interact in a specialized setting with sophisticated and technically complicated devices, instruments, and equipment. There are also substantial differences among team members related to education, experience, skill level, influence, and formal and informal power. This course will inform nurses and surgical technologists of the evidence-based steps to take to create a culture of safety in the OR.
Identify the communication processes that aid in reducing medical errors and review recommendations for the safe transfer of patient care information.
Name organizations that are helping to create a culture of patient safety and their recommendations to meet this goal.
Determine the components of a just culture that promote trust and accountability and recall a 10-step process for creating a culture of safety in the OR.
Perioperative Series: Communication in the OR
In the operating room, patient safety depends on high quality communication and shared knowledge among the surgical team. Several factors in this setting can contribute to communication failures like time constraints, shift changes, environmental barriers, the complex nature of surgical procedures, and clashing communication styles. All members of the surgical team must understand the risks to patient safety associated with communication failures, what information must be communicated and when, and how to use an assertive communication style.
The goal of this course is to equip nurses and CSTs with best practices for effectively communicating in the operating room.
Describe best practices for facilitating communication in the OR.
Identify four communication styles and which style is most effective for ensuring patient safety.
List common barriers to effective communication in the OR.
Perioperative Pediatric Conditions
Perioperative professionals must have a fundamental understanding of the anatomical, physiological, psychological, and emotional differences of children compared to adults and how these differences impact the care needs of pediatric patients in the perioperative period.
Identify anatomical, physiological, psychological, and emotional differences in pediatric patients and how those differences impact care needs in the perioperative setting.
Recognize strategies for preventing and responding to medication errors and adverse drug events involving children in the perioperative setting.
Recall surgical considerations for pediatric patients.
Stroke Care: From Onset to Rehab
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of stroke care from onset to rehab. Details of stroke care in the acute care setting and rehabilitation for stroke are reviewed. Stroke prevention strategies are explained.
Apply knowledge of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for stroke in the hyperacute and acute phase.
Identify secondary prevention strategies, including lifestyle changes and drug therapies.
Recall interventions for rehabilitation from stroke in the acute and post-acute setting.
Understanding Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence
This course provides information about the dynamics of intimate partner violence, or IPV, risk factors, safety concerns, screening measures, and how staff can be the most helpful in these situations.
The goal of this course is to help administrative staff, general staff, and direct care staff in all healthcare settings gain a basic understanding of the dynamics of intimate partner violence.
Define domestic and intimate partner violence.
Describe risk factors for intimate partner homicide, including guns and strangulation.
Identify at least two screening measures used to identify persons who have experienced IPV.
Addressing Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders
About 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced at least one traumatic event (Sidran Institute, 2018). Most overcome their trauma responses without formal intervention. Others, however, experience persistent symptoms that need formal intervention. The goal of this course is to provide addiction, behavioral health counseling, marriage and family therapists, nursing, psychology, and social work professionals in health and human services settings with information on how to assess and treat trauma- and stressor-related disorders.
Recognize common symptoms that individuals may have in response to experiencing trauma.
Identify at least three tools that can help screen and assess for trauma-related disorders.
Determine which interventions would be most relevant for someone with a trauma-related disorder.