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Looking for Useful Patient-Safety Information? Visit Our Blog.

Physicians Insurance members just got another channel to access expert information on risk management issues. Earlier this year we launched a blog to provide additional patient-safety expertise. We post new entries regularly, but you can scan the archives to learn what Susan Baumgaertel, MD, an internist from the Polyclinic in Seattle, has learned is the key to helping patients with weight loss. Or what John Furman, PhD and executive director at the WHPS, can tell you about the impact of provider addiction on your clinic. And what Randy Benson from the Washington State Rural Healthcare Quality Network explains is transforming rural care.

Additional topics our blog has covered include managing patient complaints, noncompliant patients, communicating with hearing-impaired patients, and improving care through your bilingual staff.

To learn from these articles and more, visit our blog.

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Find our Twitter page at @PhysicianInsure.

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